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Our goal has always been the same: to establish lasting relationships with our customers.

At MSK International Yacht Broker, we are equipped to offer you a complete navigation service.

We want you to be happy as a boat owner every day, we take care of everything related to your boat.

Contact us for more details on any of the services we offer below:

Nautical Advice

We advise you in any situation related to the nautical world. The management of all types of documentation, What are the points to take into account when buying or selling a boat. change of ownership, registration, payment of taxes, VAT, etc.

With our experience for more than 20 years, we are experts in the sector.

Mooring Management

Mooring availability in different ports of Spain. We manage the sale and rental of moorings. Very competitive prices. Whether you want to buy, sell or rent


Inspections and Certifications

Every boat must undergo regular inspections, according to the circumstances and rules that for each type of boat and length correspond. We are at your disposal to manage the coordination and inspection. We also take care of processing a duplicate for lost or the issuance thereof

Expert report when buying or selling your boat.


We deal with the best professionals in the area.

 Dry dock, mechanics, cleaning, annual or monthly maintenance. Electronic installation, Sails, etc.


We work with several insurance companies, Allianz, Catalana Occidente, Pantaneus, FIATC we help you find what best suits your needs

We speak Spanish, English, Deutsch

+ 34 965 971 016  

+ 34 632 173 292 

+34 690  366 250

Pº  Vistalegre s/n,  Dique de Levante.  P.D. Marina,

03181 Torrevieja (Alicante)

Monday to Friday:

10:00 a 14:00 -14:30 a 17:30


10:00 a 14:00

Closed Sundays

Use our contact forma at all hours

  • Sale of new and used Boats
  • Inspections and Certifications
  • Mooring Management
  • Nautical Advice
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance

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