since 1996

We help you find the boat of your dreams

Sale and Rent of Boats and Moorings

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"When you browse this page, you certainly need a collaboration to navigate the Mediterranean.

My name is Shahzad Kiani, and I have been working and helping my clients, many are friends now, for more than 20 years.

Working together to find what you need.

Our experience allows us to make sure we arrive safely, we take care of all the steps, sale contracts, we identify each country, inspections and certificates, insurance, moorings, maintenance ... Only with us You have to worry about surfing ".

Read more about us...

Shahzad Kiani


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Nautical Services

  • Inspections and Certifications
  • Mooring Management
  • Nautical Advice
  • Sale of new and used Boats
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance

Our Clients

In July 2021 I first met Shazad and I was immediately struck by his honesty and professionalism in how he deals with clients whether buying or selling Boats.

In my case, I was only selling a small powerboat in the greater scheme of boating, but he treated my sale the exact same way he would a 6 figure sale which demonstrated to me that he is a man of integrity and honesty

His smile is infectious and he is backed by a very highly professional team of two ladies who diligently look after all of the required documentation. On meeting them both have excellent people person skills and mirror how Shazad runs the company

To summarise, Shahzad is a one off. He's the type of man all boat owners need to solve big and small problems. A problem for you is not a problem for him. He's the solution. And a good man to have on your side.

Do not hesitate to contact Shazad or his team for your next boat purchase

Bobby y Cleo Power

Bobby Power Publisher, Go Wild Magazine

In September 2018 me and my wife, two icelandairs with little knowledge of sailboats, bought a sailboat in Torrevieja and Shahzad took care of the purchase / sale. His work was professional and his advice was good. He took care of all the documentation and insurance of the boat, registered it in the most economical country, the Netherlands, and provided us with berth for the boat. Since then he has provided us repairers or professionals to repair small and large things, moved the boat to and from the workyard for antifouling and even fetched spare parts for the boat to the next town!

Before we bought the boat we owned a part in another sailboat and registering that boat in Spain was a big problem, a lawfirm could not solve it in 16 months. Sahzad solved it in just a few days and registered it in Belgium and took care of insuring the boat to the new owner and did it all with professionalism and modesty. And our co-owners asked us: "Where did you find this man?" Their question says all about Shahzad. He is unique. He's the type of man all boat owners need to solve big and small problems. A problem for you is not a problem for him. He's the solution. And a good man.

 Thanks for all the help Shahzad!

Gunnar and Anna

from Iceland

Conozco a Shahzad desde hace 20 años y tanto yo como mi familia ha hecho con el operaciones de amarres y de barcos, todas a nuestra entera satisfacción.

 Se ha transformado en un amigo al que confiamos todas nuestras gestiones en el campo de barcos y amarres.

Agustin Herran Vidaurrazaga

propietario de un Nauticat 40 adquirido a través de Shahzad

We speak Spanish, English, Deutsch

+ 34 965 971 016  

+ 34 632 173 292 

+34 690  366 250

Pº  Vistalegre s/n,  Dique de Levante.  P.D. Marina,

03181 Torrevieja (Alicante) SPAIN

Monday to Friday:

10:00 a 14:00 -14:30 a 17:30


10:00 a 14:00

Closed Sundays

Use our contact forma at all hours

  • Sale of new and used Boats
  • Inspections and Certifications
  • Mooring Management
  • Nautical Advice
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance

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